GT Structural Landscapes

Aim: To create a larger/modern entertaining area, bush rock wall and stairs removed. Area excavated to allow for larger area. New sandstone retaining wall, stairs and paved area.

Cleaned up utility area by paving area, levelling air conditioning unit and creating a garden bed.

Nelson Bay
Aim: Create an access area to the boardwalk on a heavily sloping block of sand.

Aim: Remove and renew with longer lasting materials, make front entrance more welcoming.

Aim: Replace old with new deck plus build new pergola for a covered entertaining area.

Three bush rock retaining walls removed and redesigned to give two complete level areas.

Convert slope path into travertine stairs, create tiered garden.

Achieved using timber sleeper steps, crib retaining walls on steep sloped area and a deadman retaking wall on lower edge.

Old palisade wall replaced with bush rock, new stairs, paths and entertaining area.

Stained deck, added roof and a tropical garden surrounds.